Women's Therapy Group
Counselling for Social Change is now running an online women’s therapy group.
The intention for the group is to offer a space where you can share your thoughts, challenge yourself and connect with your feelings in a supportive and respectful environment. We will share personal insights, knowledge, laughter and courage.
Being with other women in a caring environment enables us to both receive and give kind and compassionate support. This may be a new experience and may at times be both inspiring and challenging. Unlike one-to-one counselling, group therapy helps us to see things from multiple perspectives. We can see our whole selves reflected in others. In group counselling we can develop our ability to relate to others and overtime we may be able to share what we have learned to help newcomers to the group.
Naomi is passionate about working in group settings and knows from personal experience that transformational growth is possible, despite (or perhaps because of) the challenges of sharing our vulnerability.
Naomi is a qualified Integrative Counsellor and has worked with C4SC in both a voluntary and paid capacity for two years. She uses a variety of approaches to help people grow, recover and heal.
The Group
The group has been meeting for three months now and feedback from members has been very positive, affirming how supportive and useful they have found the sessions so far.
We are meeting fortnightly for 90 minutes on Wednesday evenings over Zoom.
The fee for each session is between £8 and £18, depending on your level of income.
More information
If you are interested in joining the group, or want to find out more, contact Naomi on naomi@c4sc.org