Since setting up Counselling for Social Change in 2012 we have provided thousands of hours of counselling support to people across the UK. As well as supporting our local community in Cornwall we have worked with a variety of people involved in diverse causes from Extinction Rebellion, the Stansted 11 court case, Black Lives Matter, trans activists, animal rights and community activists.
And now, with the G7 on our doorsteps and Kill the Bill protests taking place across the country, we know we have to step up again and support as many people as we can as they take to the streets to make their diverse voices heard.
Our goal with this crowdfunder is to firstly offer Single Session Counselling support to people in the couple of weeks surrounding the G7 for people involved in opposing the G7 or Kill the Bill. Single Session ‘drop-ins’ with an experienced counsellor can be particularly beneficial to those needing to process actions or dealing with court cases and those involved with intensive organising work.
While one-at-a-time therapy will be enough to help many people process and move through what is currently facing them, for some people this will be not be enough and therefore our ‘stretch-goal’ is to raise more money to provide longer term therapy for those that need it and to provide future single session support around other events.
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